We must present students with the science and the facts to intellectually argue the pro-life values. Using the leading research on how students learn and retain information, the Heart2Heart program combines storytelling and facts to be most effective.
The Heart2Heart Educational Program is a free online library of professionally filmed videos that serve to teach students pro-life values on various pro-life issues. Each video will be accompanied by a lesson helper in order to arm teachers with the resources to teach pro-life values in their classrooms.
Here’s How it Works
Storytelling and Discussion.
This program creates a free online library of high quality videos of real people who have experienced abortion and other anti-life issues. They tell their stories, along with relative facts, allowing students to hear about the issues first-hand and have an informed discussion.
Who can use the program and how?
Teachers , school administrators, campus ministers, church leaders, pro-life group coordinators and others, who believe knowledge is power, are all invited. Videos are accessible to all visitors in our Video Library. To gain special access to lesson helpers, all you have to do is sign up with us. It’s simple, it’s confidential, and its free!
What topics are covered?
Our videos feature several different speakers sharing their personal stories and experience, covering a variety of life issues relevant today. Topics covered in our series include the development of the unborn child and their ability to feel pain, the impact of abortion, the choice for life, adoption, the dignity of the human person, physician assisted suicide, and more. Each video includes both personal testimony and research based facts and statistics.
Care for a sneak peek?
Check out the preview video for our new Heart2Heart Educational Program below.